Welcome To Broken Bones Collective

Welcome to the Broken Bones Collective! 

This is an adrenaline fuelled creative collective focused on blood pumping sports. We are based on the British South Coast, Portsmouth and Brighton to be precise, and we officially started our journey on March the 7th 2018, so the other day basically. 

Quite a lot has happened during this short time. A call was put out for submissions to the Zine Issue #1: Broken Bones, repossess to this have been accumulating, a whole bunch of lino prints have been made as well as stickers and bags being in the pipelines. I will follow this post with more information on how you can submit to the Zine but if you simply can't wait, you can find the information in Instagram right here

I'm not going to go on for too long but here is a some more information and background about who, why and when:

We aim to bring you all-you-can-stomach eye popping adrenaline through a a creative output that you can access from the comfort of your own home. Unless of course, you'd prefer to read the Zine whilst doing a spot of toilet parkour or jumping out of plane, in which case please let us know because that’s dedication.

This collective stemmed from a frustration of the lack of underground publications surrounding many extreme sports. Of course, there are many great small press publications surrounding sports such as skateboarding with Zines like Hangup Online and The Skate Witches but a lack in other areas. These other areas included skiing. 

I want to talk to you now as Livy, the creator of Broken Bones Collective. Skiing is a massive passion of mine but I was getting frustrated at how expensive the sport is, not just in regards to equipment but also in regards to published literature and image through magazines. They also didn't contain most of I wanted to read about. I've always wanted to combinemy art with my love of skiing and this provided me with an idea. Surely others would be feeling this way. Where was the substance for the underground scene of pro rats, urban skiers and backcountry powder seekers? 

You're probably thinking (ok you probably aren't but bare with me), "but you never said anything about skiing at the beginning of this! I'm not even into skiing!" Well that's because the initial idea has transformed into something even more exiting. Skiing isn't my only sport, yes it a great passion but I decided that I wanted to combine this with other sports, opening it up to others with similar, but varied, interests. This would be a collective that would bring together creativity and sport as well as people who practice or have engaged with various forms of adrenaline inducing activities. Breaking down boundaries and perceptions whilst bringing people together through a visual format. 

Something like that anyway. 

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about Broken Bones Collective. By showing interest, you are already part of the collective. 

Give us a follow on Instagram, click here


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